Too Many Days on the Road

What did we do without Facebook!

I have really noticed lately how so many people have warmed up to Facebook. Our Social outlet.  How we keep up with people now.  How our attention spans have turned into a short fuse, yet how fun it is to keep up with so many people.  Problem is.... to balance.  Where are all these friends when you need them... Like Uncle Bernie says, "they all want to laugh with you with you are laughing Penny, but no one will sit with you when you're on your ass".  

Tomorrow is day 10 of 12 flying days.  I'm missing being home and having Banjo by my side.  I have 2 weeks off and plan to see much family, hang drapes with the neighbor, drink wine and catch up with the other neighbor.  Do Yoga, hike with Banjo and WRITE WRITE WRITE on the story. Also have all the girl cousins come up for a couple days.  I do love the UP, and my little street.  If you plan on going out front (of the house), plan on extra time, because no less than 3 neighbors will drive and or walk by.  In this case, you will need to again catch up.  You see.... these neighbors aren't on Facebook....but they somehow know more than any of my Facebook buddies do!!

Being away from home so much, it's so easy for our soul to get depleted.  Writing helps, journaling helps, and I've also been reading the research books and inputting notes into the novel writing program (under resources, also adding web links).  Tomorrow will find me in San Antonio.... a long overnight.  I plan on being by the pool...studying and catching a much needed suntan.  I kept this last 3 day trip because of the low legs and long overnights.  A little pampering.  Today I went to Jamaica and back, yesterday Cancun.  I have realized how much I need to sit on a beach somewhere.  After I get a really big handle on this story... where I feel like resource notes and the premise is clearly in writing.... I will go find a beach..... for now, the only beach I will be on will be the North shore of the Keweenaw, with Banjo while agate hunting and throwing sticks (shticks.... i.e.: a Banjo stick).

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