Time in Between

So when you've taken time out of life; When you've withdrawn; When you thought you'd sit back and write...nothing happens.  Life goes by.  You must continue to write during any kind of adverserary or lull.  The sponge like mind becomes dull.    As I feel mine has.  Time to get up in morning....Focus...Journal....Write.   I've had this excuse for a long time why I haven't accomplished anything (musically).  Because recently both my parents died within a year of each other and I didn't have the heart to sing.  We must sing through the good and bad.  Singing is life.  Good and bad is life.  My 135 year old home is almost all organized and functional.  My 45 year old condo needs attention.  I will be back in Nashville this winter (with Banjo), doing some maintenance and writing.  Now everything under control....It's time to add writing back into my life.  Nashville...... I will see you soon:)

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